Cele​brant Occasions
Cele​brant Occasions
Independent Celebrant for Bristol & Somerset.

Baby Naming.
Once you have registered the birth of your newborn baby and if you prefer not to have a traditional religious christening, there is an alternative. A baby naming ceremony can be a lovely way to celebrate the new arrival.
Family, friends, godparents (or supporting adults) can
be involved in any way you wish with readings, special wishes/blessings for the baby. The occasion can include religious, spiritual and/or symbolic elements.
I will meet with the family to go through the ceremony and discuss what is to be included, before the actual event.
"A new baby is like the beginning of all things, hope, a dream of possibilities" - anon
Adoption/Family Blending
If you have adopted a child, imagine how excited & loved that child will feel when you have a special celebration to mark the event, welcoming him or her into your family. It can also be a fun & light hearted occasion, wholly focused on your special child.
Perhaps you have entered a new marriage or partnership, and one or both of you have children from a previous relationship. A ceremony involving the couple and all the children will help to consolidate the new family unit.
For either of the above I will, of course, meet with the family first to discuss all your requirements for readings, pledges etc,.
"I like not only to be loved, but also to be told I am loved" - George Eliot
Divorce/Break up Healing.
If you have split up amicably, a healing ceremony can really help both of you to put a final end to your relationship in a caring and forgiving way. Wishing each other well - perhaps incorporating some symbolic tie-cutting - and allowing both of you to move forward into a new life with no regrets.
If the split is acrimonious then one half of the couple may find it helpful to have a closure ceremony - again perhaps involving symbols. This can take place on your own with the celebrant, or surrounded by those closest to you.
"Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace" - Buddha